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This time, the student holidays have come to an end, so we can count on a greater turnout from students, both on the exhibitors’ and visitors’ side. We invite you to the next Targowisko Sztuki, which is beautified by the surrounding aura and the November leaf fall. The upcoming edition will take place on November 9 and 10, in the extra comfortable room of the Bottling event center. We invite everyone interested from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

This time too, the Targowisko Designu event will also take place alongside the Targowisko Sztuki, which will feature many renowned designers. The place and time of this event coincide with the date and place of the Targowisko Sztuki event.

As always – a lot of amazing experiences guaranteed.

Colorful as leaves falling from trees – I invite you to meet 🙂

More information, photos and reports can be found on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/targowiskosztuki/
