
I am free – new painting

After a long break, when I was mainly occupied with linocuts, creating my own works and reproductions of Durer, it was time to refresh other forms of artistic expression. The new painting – “I am free” – is ready. The painting is already available for viewing in the gallery on my website . It will be possible to see it live and buy it at the beginning of March, at


Framing my linocuts.

I invite you to visit the updated page dedicated to the framing of my linocuts.: My works – framing. To the previous content presenting the differences between pure work – linocut, linocut with passé-parout and linocut framed in passé-parout and frame, I have added two new sections. In the first section entitled GALLERY I have placed a collection of photos of my linocuts framed by me. I made the framing


February memories of the Targowisko Sztuki

Dear friends, thank you for coming to the Targowisko Sztuki – it was great. Many new faces, some previously known ones, also appeared.I brought several works to the Targowisko Sztuki that had never had a chance to be shown again before. And so: there is a new version of Corrida: The end of the show, a new version of Grande Arche 2 and completely new prints of Song of the


Time for a New Work …

The holidays have begun with school and activities that consume most of our daily time. It is also a period of time when you can start new work … 😉 Below is the first photo heralding the arrival of a new reproduction of Durer’s graphic. Prevoius reproductions od Durer’s graphics are still available – check out this page: